Every Business Owner Faces Hard Times by Art Lewin

Every Business Owner Faces Hard Times by Art Lewin
“My successful clients were losing their homes, they were losing their businesses…they didn’t want to spend money on me (obviously) because they were losing everything.”
Art Lewin (Owner/Founder Art Lewin Bespoke): A long time ago one of my client’s said to me “Art, you are going to be successful. But the hardest part of being successful is keeping it. And I didn’t get it at first but then I thought about it. Early on I was very successful 20-something years ago. And then when the real estate market and the entire market in the United States was going into a recession I started feeling it. My successful clients were losing their homes, they were losing their businesses…they didn’t want to spend money on me (obviously) because they were losing everything. That was really tough on me. But what helped me was that I had been planning…I had been planning my entire life for that part…that part that was going to come. My mother always said put money away because there are going to be those tough times and it helped. I did witness hardship early on. In 1989 when I started the business, everything was going great. In 1991-1992 (I think) was the Kuwait war, everything went down (just like it did about 10 years ago now). So I did go though that hardship. My friends were losing their homes. My business partner in the clothing business then, he was losing his homes (investments) and he was taking from our clothing business. That was when we went our different ways (more here on Youtube).
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