What Is Blurr? by Co-Founders Daniel Arvidsson, Daniel Korman and Sam Marley

What Is Blurr? by Co-Founders Daniel Arvidsson,
Daniel Korman and Sam Marley
Blurr Co-Founder Daniel Korman: There’s absolutely no way that you could easily get the picture from that random person up on the tenth row but with the Blurr [photosharing app] you get instant access to that memorable photo straight there on your phone, you can download it…
Blurr Co-Founder Daniel Arvidsson: Blurr is a photo sharing platform and what we do is we connect people that are at the same place, at the same time. So whether that be a festival or wedding, a sports game, we give people instant access to all the meaningful photos taken around them so in essence, that’s what we do.

Blurr Co-Founder Sam Marley: The Blurr app is an event-based photo sharing platform that connects people at the same place, at the same time. So essentially what we do is we allow everyone in the same experience, at the same place at the same time, to take and instantly share photos with each other there that are viewable, accessible, savable, shareable to only the people you’re with at that time.
Blurr Co-Founder Daniel Korman: Blurr is a location-based photo sharing app that connects people purely in the same place at the same time. So the way that we work is we geofence an area and we connect all the people within that same radius through pictures. So we would like take you through like a case how would work. You walk into any event (whether it be a birthday party, a concert, any type of gathering) it’s very socially-driven/event driven. You start a Blurr. From that moment, on every picture taken by somebody using the app within a 100 meter, 200 meter radius around you populates to one feed. So you get all the pictures taken by everybody. It’s a way for you to never miss a memory. If you have people taking pictures on private platforms, whether it be their iPhones (usually), so you take a few photos at an event on your iPhone and the other people around you (whether your friends or just other people attending that event) they don’t have instant access to those photos and that’s kind of the problem that we set out to solve. and that’s what Blurr does.
Blurr Co-Founder Daniel Arvidsson: The geolocation aspect of it…so we have kind of two components to our platform. One of them is just the public where anybody can open up the app press “Start Blurr” and then it instantly starts pulling all the pictures taken immediately around you. But then we have another service that we provide where people let us know where their events going to be, where their venue is going to be, and then we geofence that area so just by longitude and latitude GPS coordinates and then we geofence that and we but it’s the same kind of concept where pictures from certain locations instantly pull into everybody’s feed, connecting people that are together, sharing experiences.

Blurr Co-Founder Daniel Korman: So as I said, it’s just a way of getting instant access to memorable photos taken around you. So take for example a birthday party or sporting event where someone gets a great photo of you. With private platforms (the way that things are going nowadays) there’s no way of getting easy access to that photo. I like to give the example of a stadium. So say you’re in a Patriot’s game (you know we started in Boston…New England Patriots). You’re sitting in the front row and there’s someone up on the tenth row taking photos and Rob Gronkowski catches that winning touchdown. The person up in the tenth row…man just to get an unbelievable photo…you’re up in the front row. It’s probably the best photo you’d get ten times out of ten going to the Patriot’s game. On private platforms, there’s absolutely no way that you could easily get the picture from that random person up on the tenth row. But with the Blurr app you get instant access to that memorable photo straight there on your phone. You can download it and then you source it to other social media platforms or just keep it for yourself, as you wish.
But that’s kind of a use case for Blurr where private platforms versus the public platform in such a hyper-local area. It’s kind of taking that unique spin on sharing and then privacy…so a lot of people want it to be private but being public in such a hyper-local area it’s kind of unique and it’s kind of a spin on what’s being done in the space right now. Because there’s really nothing out there that’s public in such a small area to make a private in a way.

Blurr Co-Founder Daniel Arvidsson: We see Blurr as kind of like a top of the funnel before the other social media platforms. So how most of our users use Blurr is to source all the content taken around them. So before what used to happen is people used to go to a party or a wedding and take a couple pictures on your camera roll and then post event, try and find the best one to post to Instagram, post to Facebook and even now you can upload the Snapchat. But what happens now is you go to an event, to a wedding, whatever, everybody’s using Blurr and then instead of having two, three photos to pick from, you have a hundred or two hundred. So they use Blurr as like this top of the funnel platform before Facebook, before Instagram, before Snapchat, Twitter or whatever it may be. You can filter the photos…so essentially anybody that’s in that location, you’ll be seeing those photos but then the actual application itself has three feeds. So it has the “All” feed which is all the pictures taken in that vicinity. There’s your Facebook friend’s feed, so you don’t know which Facebook friend but you can filter by just your Facebook friend’s photos. The reason why we did this is because if you go to a festival like Coachella and there’s 5,000 photos in one day, theoretically (obviously) it’s pretty cool to look at all the other photos but you want to look at those that hit closer to home. So the picture is taken by your Facebook friends probably are closer to what you want to see. So you can filter by just your Facebook friend and then you have the “You” tab which is the pictures that you yourself took.
Blurr Co-Founder Sam Marley: I think we always kind of say this and the reason we started the company (and it’s still to this day the reason we love it so much) is in daily life it’s just a bunch of memories and moments brought together into one big like experience and you should be able to remember and look back at any of those, the best or the worst memories and times whenever you want. And we initially were having the best time of our lives in college and then looking back we didn’t have any memories and now since we launched the app, we do. And that’s kind of like you look back and I have probably the first two years of college and I probably had about 200 photos in my phone and now I have like ten thousand photos and that’s great for me. I think being able to do that for other people and amplify their memories and experiences and the ability to look back on them is why we do it, why everyone else should want Blurr as well.
Photo-sharing app Blurr is a remarkable way to give people instant access to every memorable photo taken around them.
Wise Heroes had the honor of catching up with these three amazing co-founders on what the app does, why they feel motivated on a daily basis and pitching their idea/product to investors.
Here are the first few videos in a series of many from the Blurr co-founders Daniel Arvidsson, Daniel Korman & Sam Marley, shot in Silicon Beach (LA).