7 Percent Of The Audience Is Going To Think You Are A Complete Idiot by Thomas Iland

7 Percent Of The Audience Is Going To Think You Are A Complete Idiot by Thomas Iland_toastmasters_public_speaking
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7 Percent Of The Audience Is Going To Think You Are A Complete Idiot

by Thomas Iland


Author and Advocate Thomas Iland:  And I actually did have a couple of bullies that were mean to me in high school and junior high, apologize.  They did write me and found me and apologized for their behavior.

It was actually during a course I took.  It was an ethics course through California Society of CPA’s because I am still an actively licensed CPA and I have to take continuing professional education courses.

One of the instructors of a session that I attended mentioned that about 7% of your audience is going to think you’re a complete idiot or not agree with anything you say.  So if there are 15 people in the audience, one of them is going to think you’re an idiot.

So, it’s going to be there if I want it or not.  But 7% or one bad egg (if you will) is not going to spoil the whole bunch.

I’m going to continue to talk about what I will talk about. If they don’t want to hear it then it’s not my problem really.

Again, going back to the idea of empathy and…(See more here).



Check out Tom Iland‘s new book Come to Life! Your Guide to Self-Discovery




Check out the book Come to Life – Your Guide to Self-Discovery by Thomas W. Iland and Emily D. Iland


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